30 Best Time Management Games And Activities (How To Play)

How much time do you spend each day managing your tasks and projects?

If you don’t have enough time to manage your life, then you might want to take some time off from working and focus on other things.

Time management is important because it helps us achieve our goals and live better lives.

The problem is that most people waste their time on unimportant things instead of focusing on the important ones. That’s why they get stressed out and frustrated.

In this ultimate list, you can find numerous time management games, activities, and exercises that will help you save time and increase productivity.

Also, there is step-by-step gameplay or instructions to play or conduct these activities as well.

Best Time Management Games And Activities 

The Big Picture Challenge

In this game, you need to guess what’s going to happen in a certain picture. You can use your mouse or touch screen to click on different parts of the image and see if they match up with the answer. It’s fun and easy to play!

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Divide the team into smaller groups, each responsible for completing one part of the big picture.
  • Step 2: Teams must work together to ensure all lines meet and colors are consistent.
  • Step 3: The image can be a representation of a company’s brand, conference theme, value system, goals, or even recreation of a famous work.
  • Step 4: After completing the project, the final masterpiece is revealed for the first time to an audience of enthusiastic people who clap and cheer.
  • Step 5: The finished project can be proudly displayed at the office as a constant reminder of what can be achieved when working together.

A team must adopt a big-picture approach to ensure that their final product is a success. This creative team bonding activity requires effective color coordination and collaboration among the group members.

Farmerama (online)

You start off in Farmerama by growing your own crops and taking care of the animals. Then, you come under attack from aliens that appear out of nowhere. There are many ways for you to earn money and buy equipment and upgrades.

How To Play?

  • You start by choosing which type of farmer you want to become. Then you choose a plot of land and set about building your farm.
  • You can also buy animals, crops, and tools, but you have to pay attention to how much space you have available. When you’re ready, you can start selling produce at the market.
  • Farmers who make good decisions and sell well tend to gain more customers and earn more money.
  • Farmers who make bad decisions and sell poorly tend to lose customers and earn less money.
  • Deciding whether to invest in one thing over another is not always easy. For example, you may prefer buying a tractor now rather than waiting until later when you have more money saved. But you’ll have to choose between them if you don’t have enough money to buy both.
  • This is where saving comes in handy. By setting aside a portion of your income every month, you can build up a savings account so that you won’t have to worry about making those tough choices.
  • If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try farming in an entirely different location. As long as you keep making sales, you can move around freely.
  • But remember that moving costs money. So before you pack up and leave, you should check your bank balance and plan carefully.
  • If you want to learn more about how to manage your time effectively, then this game gives your team a playground to practice that. 

Skills That Get Developed :

  • Planning skills by planting seeds and caring for them until they grow into mature plants
  • Selling and buying plants and animals is a way to market yourself.
  • Participating in various farming communities helps develop teamwork skills.

What to discuss with your team:

  • Which steps should you take to develop your farm effectively?
  • What should you do to gather the largest crop?
  • Did you communicate with other players? Why/why not?
  • Did you have similar objectives with other players? Have you collaborated with them? Why/why not?

Breaking Bad Habits

Working in pairs, the group explores the topic together. Each person writes down what they think stops them from managing their own time more effectively.

Then the two work in tandem to come up with solutions for the problem. You can then present it to the group in turns.

The first person talks about his or her habit, and then the second person presents a solution.

The group votes on whether they agree with the solution. If there is no consensus, the facilitator decides.

Here are some examples of things that might stop people from being more effective managers of their time:

  • I’m too busy working to be able to get everything done.
  • I feel like I’m missing out because I haven’t got around to doing something important.
  • I’ve been putting off starting my business for ages.
  • I just don’t know where to begin.
  • My family doesn’t understand why I need to work so hard.
  • I’m too tired to think straight.
  • I find myself getting distracted easily.

Delegation Skill Practice

To help your colleagues improve their delegation skills, teach them the Delegation Skill Practice exercise.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Ask colleagues to think of the worst task that they have to perform at work. Tell them that today, they’ll have a chance to delegate it to another person.
  • Step 2: Ask your customer to think about how they’d describe their unpleasant tasks to their own personal assistants, how they’d check that the task is completed, and how they’d encourage their personal assistants to finish the task.
  • Step 3: Divide your colleagues into three groups: the delegator, the employee, and the observer.
  • Step 4: Share the delegation observer sheet with the delegators so they can check how well the delegators explain the task.
  • Step 5: Share the notes sheet with your employees so they can take notes while the delegator describes the task.
  • After the delegator has explained the task, the employee writes down the task, and the observer checks off the points in the delegation observation sheet. Give them some time to talk about the results.
  • Step 7: Change team roles and repeat the task. The game has three rounds so that everyone plays each role.
  • Step 8: Discussing the activity with your team is important.

Points to discuss:

  • Which task is the least enjoyable for the team? Which part was the most challenging/easy?
  • Which member of the team is the best delegator?
  • Which member of the team is the best employee?
  • What was the hardest part of the game?
  • Which role was the hardest?
  • What could you do differently to improve the delegators’ performance for each participant? What could you do differently for employees?

Delegating tasks is an essential skill that every manager needs to know. It optimizes the time and ensures the task’s best person is assigned whenever possible.

Here are some techniques and strategies we’ve come up with to help you better manage your team, allocate time more efficiently, and get more done in less time.

Race to the Ace of Spades

It is great for understanding the importance of time management and proper organization. 

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Bring two decks of cards to work.
  • Step 2: Organize the first deck of cards in order, starting with the ace of spades and ending with the king of hearts. All the cards should face the same way.
  • Step 3: You take the second deck of cards, shuffle them up, and then jumble them up so that they don’t all face the same direction.
  • Step 4: Have each person choose one card from each deck. You can do this by having them shuffle the decks together and then draw out one card at a time.
  • Step 5: Instruct him to find the Ace of Hearts.
  • Step 6: If luck doesn’t come into play, the volunteer who has the organized deck will find an Ace of Spades much sooner than the volunteer who has the jumbled-up deck.

The organized deck represents organizing your time so that you can focus on your most important tasks.

The other deck represents doing things in random order without any specific time allocated. It’s obvious that you’ll get better results if you do things in a structured way.

What Did You Do Yesterday?

Use the “What I Did Yesterday” game to help teach your team how to identify patterns in everyday working activities.

It’s one of those short time-management training activities that give participants the opportunity to think about how they use their time and whether they could be doing things differently.

This task is best done individually at first and then discussed in pairs.

This time management training is very easy to organize because there are no steps involved.

You won’t need to provide any equipment, except for pen and paper, unless participants bring their own.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Have each participant work individually on this task for now.
  • Step 2: Ask participants to write down five things they did yesterday. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is. It can be anything ranging from taking the dog for its daily walk to closing a big deal for their company.
  • Step 3: Ask participants to write down one wasteful habit they’ve been doing for years. Unproductive means wasteful; something that did not help achieve their goals, did not help improve the quality of their lives or distracted them from important tasks.
  • Step 4: After giving people five minutes to write down their five most important accomplishments, ask them to write down the one thing they wasted time on.
  • Step 5: Ask each participant to share his/her list with the person sitting next to him/her and then ask them to compare their list with the one sitting next to them.

Talking about their accomplishments will make people feel good because it allows them to focus on what was accomplished rather than what wasn’t done.

We often beat ourselves up thinking that there is something wrong with us when in fact, we are doing more than we give ourselves any credit for!

If you focus on just one wasteful task, you’ll start to understand what a wasteful activity is, and how to avoid them.


Time is important, but you can’t control how you spend it. You must be willing to spend it wisely. Make the right choices, and time will take care of itself.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Each member of your team is provided with $86,400 to be spent within a single day.
  • Step 2: You cannot carry over any unspent funds from one day to another. Anything you do not spend today will be lost.
  • Step 3: Have each person write down what activities they would like to spend their money on.

Imagine that every day you receive an additional $86,400 in your bank account. It doesn’t carry over any balance from one day to another.

Every night the bank removes any money you didn’t spend during the day. What would you do if you were in my position? You mean to draw out every last penny, of course?

We each have our own personal bank account. It’s called Time because it takes time to grow. It counts every day from midnight to midnight as one day.

Every night it writes down as lost whatever of your investments you haven’t yet made. It doesn’t carry over any balance from the previous day.

It allows no overdrafts. Each day it creates a new account for you to use. Each night it burns up what remains of the day’s calories.

You’ll learn: The $86,400 you’re given to spend is actually 84,600 seconds that you have per day. So, instead of money, it’s time that you won‘t be able to retrieve it if you lose it today!

This game will help your team understand how well they’re spending their time now (in relation to how they’d spend the amount of $ 84,000 and whether they’d waste any of it)and how they can best take back control of their time in the future.

Time Management Prioritisation Exercise

This activity is not an actual game, but rather it’s a discussion to be done by small groups before each group describes the outcome to the rest.

One of these time management training activities helps people learn how to prioritize their tasks.

You will need to bring to your session a flip chart and colored markers.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Divide participants into groups of four to five people.
  • Step 2: Divide the class into groups of four students. Give each group a sheet from a flipchart pad, and ask them to draw a map of their neighborhood.
  • Step 3: Ask them to write down tasks they think they might need help with. You can ask them to focus on different areas if you’re training for different things.
  • Step 4: Ask your team to prioritize these tasks based on their importance.
  • At the end of the 10-minute exercise, ask the groups to share their thoughts with the rest of the class. Ask them: “What were the most important tasks for each group?”

The following discussion will focus on what important tasks are and why we think they’re important.

Lists & Priorities

You’re given a list of tasks, each of which has a different point value.

You split the group up into teams and give them 10 minutes to complete their tasks. Afterward, you add up the points. After you’ve discussed with them how they prioritize their tasks, you ask them for feedback.

Colored blocks

Each person or group must gather as many blocks as they possibly can in one minute using their non-dominant hand. They get the point every time they answer correctly.

You then play it again with different point values for different colors. The purpose of this exercise is to help students understand how to prioritize their tasks.

All you need for this activity is a box of colored blocks. The number of blocks you need depends on how many people are playing.

How To Play? 

Step 1: Place the colored blocks on a flat surface and tell the participants that they must take as many blocks as they possibly can in one minute. They may start at any time.

Step 2: Participants can only use their non-dominant hand, and they may not pick up more than one block at a time

Step 3: Once the time is up, ask everyone to give points for every block they’ve completed. Write down the results.

Step 4: After step 3, spread the blocks on the table once more, now assigning a point value to every block, and repeat the exercise.

Step 5: Employees will have to consider the number of blocks they’re able to collect and the number of point values associated with each block.

Ribbon of Life

To complete this time-management exercise, first, you’ll need to get a ribbon that’s 1 meter long and a pair of scissors.

It’s great for making sure everyone knows how much time they have to get things done.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Cut a piece of ribbon that’ll measure 100cm (40 inches) long.

  • Step 2: Ask every player for his or her own estimate of the average lifespan. The answer may depend on the country you’re living and working in, so let’s say that you’re operating in America, where people have an average life expectancy of 79 years and that you know that this piece of information is true. Cut off 21 centimeters (about 8 inches) from your ribbon, to get a length of 79 centimeters (31.5 inches).

  • Step 3: Consider your team’s average age when deciding which version of your game to launch. If you want to grow by 30 cm, then you’ll need 30 cm less than your current length.

  • Step 4:Take other factors into consideration:

    • Weekends:  2 days X 52 weeks X 49 years / 365 days = 14 years/cm

    • Public holidays: e.g. 10 days per year in the US X 49 years / 365 days = 1.3 years/cm

    • Vacation time: e.g. 10 days on average in the US, i.e. 1.3 years/cm

    • Sick leaves and other leaves: e.g. 7 days on average in the US X 49 years / 365 days = 1 year/cm

    • Sleeping hours:  e.g. 8 hours per day x 365 x 49 / 24 / 365 = 16.3 years/cm

    • Eating:  e.g. 2 hours per day x 365 x 49 / 24 / 365 = 4 years/cm

    • Commute:  e.g. 1 hour both ways x 365 x 49 / 24 / 365 = 2 years/cm.

  • Step 5: In the end, subtract these years from your lifespan and cut off these centimeters from your ribbon. The remaining length of the ribbon is the amount you have left to succeed in life.

 Time is precious, and you have a finite number of years to succeed in what you’re pursuing, so put those years to good use.

Overcooked! (online)

Overcooked! is an online restaurant time management game. The idea behind the app is to serve different foods to your customers, try not to let them get upset, and cook everything in absurd conditions – like a hot-air balloon or in the middle of the street.

Sounds like a normal working day at the office, doesn’t it? The game offers lots and lots of obstacles to overcome. It has a variety of cooking recipes, and it’s really fun in multiplayer mode.

Time management skills trained:

  • Coordinating and delegating tasks by ordering and organizing cooking procedures

  • Rapid decision-making by handling portal alerts, fire alarms, moving floor levels, and changing settings.

  • Time pressure skills at every level are limited by time

  • Online games are team-based.

What to discuss with your team:

  • How did it feel when you were under pressure in the kitchen?

  • How did you learn how to manage the process?

  • What would you do if you were given another chance?

Plague Inc.(online)

You’ll play for the team of diseases and viruses in this popular strategy game, where you’ll try to infect as much territory as possible by spreading disease.

The world scientific community would oppose you if you were to develop an effective medicine against them. Will you succeed in accomplishing your evil deed?

Time management skills trained:

  • Timekeeping skills through battling with scientists in their attempts to contaminate vast regions of the Earth.

  • You’ll need to think critically, and logically, and decide which virus to use according to the points you earn.

What to discuss with your team:

  • How did you feel when you played for the dark side?

  • What did you use to win the game? Did you develop any particular strategy for contamination to win the match?

  • When did you play the game?

  • What was the hardest thing about the game?

Remember! Don’t spend too much time playing games.

How Long Is One Minute?

This is one of my favorite time management training activities because it’s so simple yet so effective. It is particularly useful for starting a training session, and for getting participants to think about time.

You will just need a time-keeping device for this activity, so you know when a minute has passed.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Have participants stand up and close their eyes.

  • Step 2: Ask them to sit down quietly so that the other participants cannot overhear them. When they think that one minute is up, stop the timer.

  • Step 3: After everyone has sat down, you begin the discussion.

Participants will be seated at different times. You could point out to them that they might think that time depends on perception.

By asking participants when they feel time goes faster for them, and when they don’t, you can introduce the idea that passion, productivity, and time are related.

Game Dev Story(online)

You’re a video game developer who makes hit video games and new consoles for start-up companies. To succeed, you need to hire your own team, control your own process of game development, deal with the critics, and maintain your own reputation.

Time management skills trained:

  • Leadership skills are learned by controlling your workers’ speed and quality development as well as hiring the right people.

  • Business skills of making money by selling and advertising the product

What to discuss with your team:

  • What are the best ways to make more money in the game?

  • First of all, you should hire professionals to help you manage your business effectively.

  • How to best allocate the company’s budget in the game?

Circadian Rhythm

Teach your team to sync their work with their body clocks by playing the “Circadian Rhythms” game.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Ask every player to write down their daily routine in terms of hours. Starting from waking up until going to sleep

  • Step 2: Each participant should label the blocks with the following features: On fire, vibrant, cruise control, at 70%, distracted, slowing down, tired, hungry indicating how they felt during the activities they were doing.

  • Step 3: Ask participants to connect their hourly block to time management at the office and discuss the following points:

Points to discuss:

  • What is the most important thing you need to accomplish today?

  • What part of the day is the most “distracted”?

  • It’s best to complete the most difficult tasks during the morning hours.

  • When is it best for you to take a break?

  • Who has similar working and relaxing rhythms in your team, and why?

If the participants share the rhythm of their work with each other, they can build an efficient working schedule.

It’s a good chance to get to know your team members better and improve your communication skills at the same.

Another effective way for colleagues to control their working hours and breaks is to use the Pomodoro technique.

It’ll allow you to avoid overloading yourself with too much work during busy times and taking too long to relax when you need it.

The Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are a good way for people to learn how to manage their time by understanding the importance of having a clear idea of what they want before deciding how to use their time.

As a trainer, it is easy to organize this time management activity but you will need to buy some jigsaw puzzles, which are at the same difficulty level for training purposes.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Divide participants into groups of 3-5 people per group.

  • Step 2: Give them each a puzzle without the big picture. They won’t be able to see what the image looks when the puzzle is finished until step 3.

  • Step 3: After approximately three minutes, stop the activity and ask: What is missing? What is making solving the puzzle hard? It is likely they will tell you that they cannot see the big-picture that they are working towards at the moment.

  • Step 4: Now give them the big picture and they should complete the puzzle much faster.

The point of this time management training game is that it is very hard to work efficiently and in a timely manner, without knowing the ultimate goal we are aiming towards.

Colored Items – Time Management Training Activity

The aim of this game is to discuss the benefits of organization and prioritization when managing your time.

To complete this time management training activity you will need a set of different colored items.

You can use any kind of item for the activity. For example, you can use colored blocks, crayon boxes, playing cards, sweets, etc. You don’t need to have a specific number of items in each category.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Divide the participants into groups.

  • Step 2: Give each group a set of items of varying colors. So, give each team, for example, six green items, six blue, six red, and six yellow.

  • Step 3: Ask the groups to collect as many blocks as they possibly can in one minute. Each person can only do one thing at a time with his/her non-dominant hand ( Each item is worth 1 point.

  • Step 4: Ask them to play again, but this time, assign a new point value to each color they choose.

  • Step 5: After a minute has passed, stop playing.

  • Step 6: Add them up and see which team has the most points.

You can start the discussion after the game, by asking groups: ‘What was your strategy for playing the game the second time around?’

The discussion should highlight that good organizational skills, planning, and coordination are essential to achieve more in the shortest amount of time.

 Arrange the Cards

This time management training program helps participants understand the importance of planning, delegating, and prioritizing tasks in order to accomplish them in the shortest amount of time.

For this time management activity, use as many decks of playing cards as there are groups and an electronic timer or another time-keeping device.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Divide your class into groups of 3-5 people.

  • Step 2: Give everyone a deck of cards (which you had already shuffled, so they’re not in order).

  • Step three: Explain that each team must place their cards in the exact order that you will have already shown them. You can use a PowerPoint slide with a picture of the cards, or just have a deck of cards ready on a table.

  • Step 4: Explain to students that they must place their cards in neat rows without touching any others.

  • Step 5: Tell participants that the team who completes the task in the quickest amount of time wins.

  • Step 6: Give teams five minutes to strategize and plan their practice runs. Teams can use any resources they need in the room to help their projects.

  • Step 7: After the first 5 minutes, begin the first proper round.

  • Step 8: There will be three rounds. Each round lasts for one week. The idea is that teams should improve with each round of the competition. The winning team is usually the one that completes the task in the shortest period of time.

At the end of the game, start a discussion by asking participants: ‘What strategy did you use to complete the task?’

You need to plan, strategize, and delegate effectively to manage your time successfully.

How to Overcome Time-wasters

Time wasters are all the things that prevent people from getting things done (or at the very least, slow them down).

It’s important for you, as an instructor, to cover this topic during your time management training session so that your students know how to manage their time effectively.

This activity not just introduces the concept of time-wasters but also gives your participants the chance to think about how to overcome them themselves.

You will need as few envelopes as there are team members and inside of each one, you will put as many blank index cards (or whatever else you want to use) as there are team members.

How To Play? 

  • Step 1: Write something fun on the back of each of the envelopes. Use common time-wasters, which include things like meetings, social media, unplanned visitors, etc.
  • Step two: Divide the participants into three to five-person groups.

  • Step 3: Give the teams an envelope and ask them to write down a list for each team of ways to overcome the task that was written on the envelope they received. Each team must use only one of the envelopes.

  • Step 4: After 3 minutes are up, ask groups to pass their envelopes to the group next to them, so that envelopes will rotate, and each group will get a different envelope every time

  • Step 5: Continue until you’ve completed as many rounds as there were groups or as many rounds you had time for.

  • Step 6: After you’ve finished the last round, start discussing the results.

You can ask each group to share their thoughts on the items on the index card inside the last envelope that was handed out.

Instead of presenting their ideas for each item separately, each group can present their ideas for each item together.

You could also ask them to vote on which strategies they think are best for dealing with different time-wasters.

The Mayo Jar

How To Play? 

Step 1: Assemble the following items: a large jar, like a jam jar, some large rocks, gravel, sand

Step 2: Fill the jar with the rocks before filling it with sand.

Step 3: Ask the group if the jar has been filled to capacity. They’ll likely say “yes.”

Step 4: Fill the jar with gravel, sand, and water.

The jar represents your entire life, and the rocks represent your most important things — your family, health, etc. Your house and car represent the gravel, and everything else represents the sand.

You can choose which objects to put into your basket first to determine how many of the other objects you can add.

It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing your tasks and getting them done first. If you don’t get them done first, you won’t have time for the smaller ones.

Delegation Skill Practice

For this time management activity, imagine that you have a new personal assistant who can help you out with some of your tasks.

The group is divided up into three roles: a delegator, who delegates tasks; an employee, who performs the task; and an observer, who watches the performance.

The delegator practices delegation and the observer has an evaluation sheet that helps give feedback about how well the delegator performed and what they need to improve. Each person gets a turn.

Time Wasters

The goal of this exercise is to learn how to identify time wasters.

There are four groups, each consisting of four people. Each team gets an envelope containing four index cards, and they’re told to use their time-wasting skills to distract themselves from the task at hand.

The team has three minutes to write as much as they can about overcoming that time waste and writing it on one index card They then pass the envelope to the following group, and so on until everyone has received an invitation.

Afterward, each team can present its results, and everyone can vote on the best one.

How To Play?

  • Step 1: Divide your players into four teams

  • Step 2: Give each team an envelope. Inside the envelope, they’ll find 4 index cards. On the back of the envelope, they’ll find something that takes them away from their main task for a short period of time.

  • Step 3: Each team needs to write down solutions to their assigned time-wasters, and write them down on the first index card.

  • Step 4: The envelope containing the solutions to the time-wasting activity is then passed to the next group. The second group must write their solutions to the task on the second index card. The other two groups must write their solutions on their own index cards.

  • Step 5: At the end, you read through everyone’s answers and pick out the best ones.

You’ll be able to understand better how you could overcome specific time-wasting activities, and save more time in the future for priority tasks.

labors of Hercules (online)

You’ll be playing Hercules, who must complete his 12 Labours to rescue his wife from the Underworld. The game has a limited time frame, so you’re going to have to find ways to end it while completing various tasks within that time frame.

Time management skills trained:

  • You need to be good at timing because you’ll have deadlines to collect all the Stars.

  • Critical thinking and logic will be required as you’ll have to consider which task to complete first and how complete each task needs to be.

  • Rapid decision-making by dealing with ghosts, lava, and monsters.

  • Organization skills by using skills from companions, such as Medusas, Pegasi, Cerbereros, and others.

What to discuss with your team:

  • How did you feel after completing tasks in a limited amount of time?

  • Were the game tasks easy or challenging to do?

  • Have you tried all the modes of the game? Which mode suits you best?

Puzzle Challenge

Divide your group into teams and assign each team a puzzle to solve.

However, you don’t tell them what the picture looks likes, the “big picture”. After a few minutes of chatting, you ask them what they think is missing and what makes it difficult.

They may not have a picture of what the finished product should look like. Then you hand it over to them.

The purpose of this activity is to show the importance in seeing the big picture when making plans and choosing our activities.

Finding the Ace of Spades

Finding the Ace of Hearts is a time management activity best done in a small group. Three people, two leaders, and some playing cards are needed for this activity.

How To Play? 

Step 1: Shuffle one deck of cards so they’re random, and arrange the other in ascending order

Step 2: Give each player a deck of cards.

Step 3: Players must try to find the ace of spades in the deck as fast as possible.

Step 4: The player with the organized deck has an advantage over the player with the mixed decks.

This activity highlights the need for:

  • Spend some time planning out a daily schedule.
  • Getting things done faster by tackling priority tasks first

Time Squared

Show your colleagues how they allocate their time throughout the day by playing the “Time Squared” game.

How To Play? 

  • Print 3 pages with 24 squares that represent the 24 hours of a day.

  • Share the 1st page with the participants. 

  • Explain that each square represents one hour of a day

  • Ask them to fill out the squares with their routine activities. E.g. eating 4 hours = 4 squares, sleeping 7 hours = 7 squares, etc.

  • Share the 2nd page with the participants.

  • Ask them to fill out the squares on the second page with the non-working time they spend at their workplace. E.g., coffee breaks, talk shops, calls to mom, checking social networks, etc.

  • Share the 3rd page with the participants.

  • Ask them to summarize the data from the 1st and 2nd pages on the 3rd page. Use different colors to tell them apart. e.g., green for the 1st page, blue for the 2nd, red for the 3rd.

  • Explain to your colleagues that the uncolored squares = ‘productive time.’

The task can be done throughout the day so that your co-workers have more precise results on their papers, allowing them to evaluate time efficiently.

What Points To Discuss: 

  • How could you re-evaluate your time?

  • Would you change anything in your statistics?

  • What can you do to increase your productive time so that you can get more done?

  • How would you rearrang­e your schedule so you could have some extra time for relaxation?

It’s a convenient way to actually track how time is spent throughout the day.

Afterward, ask your colleagues to come up with new ways to improve their own time management. One great place to begin is with some time management literature.

The Blind Polygon

The Blind Polygon is an excellent icebreaker for helping your team members cope when working in new teams or projects. It requires one leader who leads several smaller groups.

How To Play? 

Step 1: Blindfold each player and give them a length of rope.

Step 2: Groups fold or adjust the rope so that it forms a specific shape, like a rectangle.

Step 3: The team leader should set a deadline.

Step 4: You cannot remove the blindfold, nor can anyone else. Everyone must be touching the rope all the time.

Step 5: Give the groups some time to form their shapes.

After the timer has run out, let the groups look back at their shapes before tackling them again.

It’s an excellent way to help teams get to know each other better and learn how they work together.

Initially, employees may perform poorly. However, once they develop the required skills for critical thinking and analysis, their performance will gradually increase.

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