“The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader” Book Summary + Lessons + Inspiring Quotes

“The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow” by John C. Maxwell is a very inspirational book on leadership. The author here gives 21 qualities a leader should possess.

inspirational quotes from “The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader”:

-Leadership is nothing but the efficiency and desire people possess to improve their skills, mindset and gain confidence.

-A person’s talent is a gift he has but his character is all about the choices he makes.

-The evolution of a person’s character is at the heart of the evolution of not just as leaders, but also as humans.

-You can talk as much as you can but your leadership qualities only reflect when you do actions. Anybody can come and talk about something but only a true leader does the action.

-It is true that people would not follow a leader who does not have the character required to become a leader.

-You are going to face failure if you do not have the foundation of your character. It might lead you to fall apart after attaining some success.

-The issues you are facing during your character development only increase with time.

-Try and find out the pattern of your problem, that will help you reduce your problem easily.

-Character restoration emerges when you face your weaknesses, apologize, and handle the consequences of your deeds.

-After you recognize your flaws and weaknesses, make a plan and never repeat those mistakes again.

-People who follow you need hope in their lives, for their future. As a leader provide people with hope.

-As a leader what helps you as well as your followers are seeing the best in everyone. You see the good qualities that people possess.

-What draws people to you is your passion for life. Live the life you have always wanted and love your life.

-People admire the leaders who share their experiences and their journeys. Share knowledge, assets, and even your success.

-You know you have manifested your charisma when you think about others more than yourself.

-Your pride is a hindrance. Do not think of yourself as better than anyone.

-Accept yourself as who you are, people will also you for that.

-Let your followers know what should be their expectations from you if you do not show them that they stop expecting from you.

-When you move upwards, the pressure build-up is a lot more than expected and the effect of your decision weighs more.

-Have a positive attitude towards everything. No one would ever like to work with a leader who is filled with negativity.

-Observe your activities, way of talking, and other behaviors. If there is anything that requires any modification, do it right away.

-Always try to give your best first impression anywhere you go.

-A sign that you are a good leader is when you think of the organization and what changes you can bring you to become a leader.

-A true leader helps and provides assets to people who need to change and develop themselves.

-Developing magnificent communication skills is very crucial for effective leadership.

-The leader should share his wisdom and objectives to convey a sense of extremity and will to do things.

-As a leader, if you can not get your point known to people distinctly and inspire them to act upon it, then having a point does not even matter.

-A leader must be a great communicator, who makes complicated things look very easy to do.

-Communicating also implies how you say a certain thing, always make your message clear to your audience.

-While presenting yourself in front of people know about them too. A leader always knows about his audience before he starts talking to them.

-Communication happens in a two-way manner. If you intend people to listen to you you have to listen to them too.

-A leader should believe in the words he is passing on to others. Only talking about things is not the solution.

-A leader is to ought to be competent, who knows what his work is and makes strategies to complete them.

-You have to try out your skills and decision-making procedure when the stakes are small and have low risks otherwise it might get you into trouble when you handle bigger roles.

-Highly capable people continue to find ways to keep learning, evolving, and developing. 

-Try to accomplish more than what you have expected.

-Quality does not just come to everyone. It is the result of high purpose, genuine effort, a sense of direction, and skillful performance.

-Your capability reflects when you as a leader inspire others. Your followers need the right motivation to achieve what they want.

-Avoid your distractions, they mislead you. You lose your track towards success.

-If you can feel that you are not giving your best, then maybe it is time to reanalyze things and make necessary changes.

-You need to have the right intention to improve and develop, just thinking is not taking you anywhere.

-Improving does not have a finish line and there is no complete picture of mastering leadership. 

-A true leader is required to be selfless. You should do whatever you can to put others in a winning position.

-You know your intentions are pure when you provide people without keeping a count. Give as much you can.

-A leader only believes half of what he hears but a cultivated, efficient leader knows which half to believe.

-Search for the roots of your problems and destroy those roots.

-Your skills and techniques for solving a problem are the deciding factors for your future as a leader. 

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