Jen Sincero in her book “You Are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life” explains the things that act as a speed breaker in your life and distracts you from getting things that you wanted.
The book will teach you many things about life and self-realization.
Here Are Some Important Quotes From “You Are A Badass”
-There is always a way by which you can change your life but to find the way you need to be serious in life.
-When you say things or do certain things, then you should not blame others for it because it is you who took the decision.
-After doing certain things, never make yourself responsible when people start freaking about it.
-Never think that you lack something within you or else you will be wasting your time and would be considered a fool.
-There are twists and turns in life and they are never wrong because they are meant to happen like that.
-Sometimes you don’t need to take things up to the end, there is always a beginning and you just need to give your best while doing the thing.
-Always remember you are unique and you can’t be anyone because you are always you.
-It is not good to complain about the world rather than accept it and start working to make a change.
-Never try to be the football of others’ opinion because you are the original one.
-Remember that there is someone always who loves you more and fearlessly.
-The world always wants to give what you desire but you need to work for it.
-When you start basing your worth on things that people think of you, then you start losing your control over you and it is never a good thing.
-Never think of things happening in your life if you don’t have control over them.
-We often worry about things that have no importance in our lives and waste our time.
-The risk to blossom isles painful than the risk to remain tight in the bud and it is very hard too.
-If there would be no discrimination based on religion, skin color, and sexual preferences, then we would get a peaceful world.
-Many times we haven’t made the decision but to impress others we take a quick decision and say yes.
-Until you get too uncomfortable, don’t try to sign off and quit.
-If you are facing some criticism for being yourself, never apologize to them for this.
-Human beings and all the living creatures are only present in somebodies for a particular time so enjoy the moments.
-When you live in the present you will get peace and similarly when you think of the future and past, you will be anxious and depressed respectively.
-If you want to be happy then laugh at your mistake.
-Every successful person in the world has faced some struggle in some parts of their life and all of them came out of their comfort zone to be successful.
-When you are doing a part, your guest list is prepared by you and the same goes with your life and you need to make decisions of inviting people.
-To make things happen in reality you need to think first and they will convert to reality through many phases.
-You will never fail in life because every time you fail, you will collect some information and you fail if you quit.
-When you are in the present moment try to do things that make you happy.
-If you dare to take risks without thinking much, then you can have the life you craved for and used to get jealous of.
-Your body matters more than anything because the better your body will be the more you will be happy so it is better to give more attention to your body.
-You can never meet an awesome person better than you.
-Many people face challenges and enjoy them and try to hang out with those people and learn from their experiences.
-You will always receive awesomeness at some point in your time.
-In the process of transforming your life, you need to have strong faith.
-Only you can choose to let things go.
-People always search for a bitch in their life forgetting about their brain.
-You will love yourself when you are surrounded by good-quality mirrors.
-Things turn to reality depending on your focus.
-Always believe that you are surrounded by many miracles around you.
-Try to be good and be grateful when you want to solve your issues.
-You may fall in many ways while trying certain new things but you should know one way to rise again and start things.
-Sometimes your problems are limited to your false beliefs.
-There will always someone in your life who will act like crabs and pull you back.
-The best way to remain sad is to compare yourself with others.
-With the help of your perception, you can create your life and also can change it when needed.
-We fear wasting our maximum time.
-The things that are true in your life are those things that matter to you.
-With the help of your frequency, you raise yourself.
-Sometimes when we are busy achieving our goal, we miss little things in our life.
-Sometimes you are praised for the things that you haven’t done.
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“Vision, strategy, and inspiration – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of “TheLeaderboy” dedicated to leadership and personal development. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the principles of effective leadership for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to empower individuals to become better leader