“The Moment of Life” Book Summary + Lessons + Inspiring Quotes

The book “The Moment of Life“ is written by  Melinda Gates, an American philanthropist who is well known for her literary works. In this book, she has highlighted the importance of women and exemplified the issues that require our urgent attention.

The Moment of Life Quotes

-Empowering women signifies that this planet, along with its humanity, is nurturing itself sophisticatedly.

-No opportunities to judge people based on their gender.

-Mankind gets lifted when women’s status in our surroundings gets lifted.

-The idea of lifting women in society must come from our hearts, not in our minds.

-Millions of benefits and rights were prevented from being accessed by women.

-Women must be allowed to frame their own life just like a man does so that she can also contribute to the success of or their country and make themselves proud of what she is.

-With the changing surroundings and technology, narrow minds must also find their way to reform themselves into broader minds with fresh and unbiased ideas for survival.

-A real man will undoubtedly support his partner even in the darkest of times because that’s what the law of nature suggests.

-Women were believed to be physically weaker than men, but it’s the women who fight against the deadliest hardships, such as during the time of their periods and during the time of their pregnancy.

-Women must be encouraged to learn and explore new things to extend their feeling of enthusiasm and happiness and also to serve the country.

-Mother is the finest creation by God for this planet.

-A mother is the greatest warrior on this planet, and it’s the duty of every people on this planet to value the importance of women.

-Raising a child is the Biggest Concern for any woman on this planet.

-No one has ever come across victory without taking any risks.

-Women’s voices must be paid attention to because they help dynamically reshape society.

-Failures are the greatest stepping stones to success and victory

-Basic rights of women are the incomplete business of the 21st century.

-Women’s safety is the chief issue of every country but also the most ignored topic.

-The only thing that women must learn is that she only has to take the lead to do something for the well-being of society because she is the ultimate power.

-Girls are considered to be less sanguine or confident than boys, whereas the truth is that girls are more cheerful, active, and mentally stable than boys.

-As soon as women have access to all their rights and freedom, societies begin to prosper, and so does the country.

-The principal causes of destitution and ailment are the cultural, economic, and legitimate restriction that acts as a lump for women.

-Women with flair and power have every right to express their value towards everything, irrespective of age or status.

-It’s a myth that money is the key to happiness, but the actual key to happiness is the field in which we invest or spend our money, such as on educating the youth, and investing money in preserving our rich, old culture and traditions.

-The major cause of various social problems in a country is the gap between the mentality of the younger and older generations.

-Various women have become role models for many women and have broken down all the stereotypes that were present as barriers for women.

-Women empowerment has no relation or sense with hoax feminism.

-There is a major gap between trust and mentality, but this only gap affects women.

-Today, women arise with sanity, confidence, and skills, but the only thing they require is proper guidance and an honest platform to display their skills.

-The prosperity of women can also be seen in the field of agriculture, which is the basic occupation of millions of people in our country.

-There is nothing known as safety other than self-assuredness and bravery.

-When one woman becomes that pillar for another woman, spectacular things begin to happen in society, and also that marks the nourishment of the society in the right process.

-Women are the major elements when it comes to family planning because they are the ones who are multi-functional and have sound thinking and mentality.

-The only solution to uplift women’s status in society is to let them decide their choices and support them by providing resources and a platform to present their talent.

-Women and men must be given equal attention to maintaining the balance in nature.

-There is nothing more beautiful than watching shattered women who have renovated themselves to work for their own goals and ambitions.

-Without your permission, no one can make you feel like a minion or inferior to them.

-The gravity or value of one’s voice is realized when he or he is soundless.

-The most common mistake many makes is underestimating a woman’s power.

-The most progressive approach to defiance is tolerance, which means that if we can’t handle or tolerate our pain, we cannot win anything.

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