The book “The Little Big Things” by Henry Fraser throws light on the struggle story of the author who severely damaged his spinal cord.
It beautifully described the hardships faced by the author as his entire lower body was paralyzed. The way he embraced a new way of living life is truly inspirational.
It’s The Little Big Things Quotes
-There is no one’s fault if anyone is challenged, but it is his/her mistake if he accepts the defeat.
-When you have wisdom, it is like the most powerful weapon to fight the world.
-We all can change our perspective and find a good present even in life’s challenges.
-We all can overlook the wrong things around us and should lay our focus on the good things.
-People should learn the quality of finding the work of progress in every activity we take up.
-One should always try to accept and acknowledge the shortcomings that will always come up in life.
-Every single day can be life’s best day if we know it right at our heart.
-With sheer determination, you can do things the world has never imagined.
-Once, a man painted with his mouth, and he was better than the regular artists who painted with hands just because he had determination.
-We humans have the strongest power within ourselves.
-This power is showcased when life introduces us to some adversities.
-The adversities symbolize as the parent of all the superheroes on this planet.
-You can never know when your strong willpower will make you do the miracles.
-One will never know his true power until he faces a rough situation.
-The cruelest games of fate can prove to bring wonders into our life.
-People tend to develop new talent when they face a rough situation and all they want to do is to overcome the odds.
-People should really know the examples of many such heroes who have bought on the battlefield of adversities.
-Those great heroes show how powerful human nature is and what it is worth.
-Try to build a sense of gratitude when you face a difficult circumstance.
-Through gratitude and acceptance, it takes nothing to turn those difficulties into wonders.
-Even if people show a bit of resilience, they are like the great heroes of life.
-People say many positive things, but no one will empathize with the patient.
-People who are struck by any adversities should never think about what they could have done and should never hold on to the past.
-What has happened cannot be changed now, and thus we can do is to accept it.
It’s The Little Big Things Quotes
-When you focus on what you can do, life appears to be more beautiful.
-Life will always throw difficult situations like balls; we have to cope with them.
-One should never give up on living life just because one faces a certain kind of difficulty.
-We can always find solutions to face the worst conditions in our life.
-A loving support system of a family has a major significant role in another person’s behavior.
-We will witness many mental changes in a person facing his most challenging times.
-We can conceptualize those heroes as our supermodels who bravely faced these situations.
-One of the greatest strengths of humans is to continue to have strength even though we are in our worst conditions.
-Every day can be lived as a good day because we are still alive.
-The philosophy of accepting and adapting can bring many good and significant changes in one’s life.
-We should always start our life by engaging in the most essential activities.
-Then, a person should move to do something that is possible to do.
-Then, finally, a person will realize that he is nurturing impossible things.
-One should always try to find the pleasures in the little things around us.
-We all can find pleasures in the environment around us, be it will be the clouds, sky, sun, flowers, etc.
-There is absolutely no age to find our passion in anything that brings pleasure to us.
-The best way to deal with a situation is not to lose hope and to engage with something.
-One should never wait for good things to just happen to us; we should make that happen with our efforts.
-A person can achieve everything if he does not lose hope.
-When you make up your mind to feel numb and hopeless, no one can change that.
-Similarly, if you have the will to do something great, everything around you will brighten you and will make you happy.
-When we want to have a better life, life will never rain good times; rather, we have to make those good times.
-We all should have the knowledge of where we would prioritize our dreams and passions.
-One should always keep the fact in mind that pain and suffering are always transient.
-We should always try our best to conquer all our fears.
-If we have stage fear, we should start speaking in front of small crowds and make an effort.
-The people who always stay indoors will know the true value of those bright rays of sunlight.
-We should always make continuous efforts for our own development.
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“Vision, strategy, and inspiration – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of “TheLeaderboy” dedicated to leadership and personal development. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the principles of effective leadership for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to empower individuals to become better leader