“Bring Out Your Inner Artist” Book Summary + Lessons + Inspiring Quotes

“Being You Artistic Self: Feel Your Inner Artist” by Shreem_SG_ is a book that delves into the context of one’s lost artistic streak once they grow older. The book essentially aims at embracing one’s true self, living a creative life, and appreciating the beauty in everything, including ourselves. 

Inner artist Quotes: Feel Your Inner Artist

-You should embrace your strengths and weaknesses and take pride in it. 

-Being yourself is a job that one cannot abandon at any cost since we owe it to ourselves as an individual. 

-Shadow appears in the presence of light and the sparkles of one’s own creative individual energy can be found in their gleaming shadow. 

-Family is the foundation that stays with you in troubling times and guides you through.

-Accomplishing things is easier in life by encouraging one another and sticking by each other. 

-One should be themselves instead of comparing and modifying themselves so as to fit in. 

-Everything will fall in place by going with the flow of things instead of changing ourselves. 

-By being ourselves, we encourage others to be themselves as well and express their true selves. 

-We shouldn’t let another person’s opinions deter our choice and live our lives on our own terms. 

-Lessons are important to grow and learn things in life and evolve as an individual. 

-To be a virtuous person, one shouldn’t hurt another since they did so with you. 

-Distinction of character comes with the choice you make. 

-There is no end to what ifs but there is a solution to every problem. 

-Life is a roller-coaster ride that is meant to be lived in the moment. 

-Feeling disoriented and low allows us to recognize our state of mind in our lives and work on ourselves to make things better. 

-Acknowledging your existence gives you the access to analyze your progress in life. 

-Reality has a direct connection with the things you perceive around you. 

-One can mould their fantasies to make it a reality with their creativity. 

-Some days one can feel insignificant and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

-To overcome disappointments in the course of life, focus on yourself and stop overthinking. 

-One should quit pushing themselves to the edge since sleeping with worries provides no solace. 

-It does no good to absorb negative energy by positioning yourself in a negative space. 

-The road one walks is significant hence one shouldn’t do anything to disrupt it’s flow. 

-There’s a difference between expectation and anticipation by the margin of different levels of hope. 

-Too many hopes and expectations results in overthinking. 

-Even the most negative things have certain positive aspects too.

-Overthinking is fatal but allows second-guessing existing choices and opens a window to innovative ideas and adventures. 

Inner artist Quotes

-Kindness and optimism exist in everything if we look for it.

-Overthinking is lethal since it’s got the capability to demolish all efforts in a single jerk. 

-There is a power of thought and courage in thinking before acting with confidence.

-Doing your favorite things shakes the rigidity of the brain’s control on you. 

-Trust is the by-product of the belief that develops on its own accord. 

-Perfection is required to awaken the sleeping confidence and be the best version of yourself. 

-The best way to live by is to believe and trust in your own perfection. 

-Acceptance of new things in life is an art form. 

-Change does not imply to fit into society for any particular reason but embracing the better version of yourself. 

-Small tweaks can make a significant difference.

-People change owing to life-altering situations of life and it’s an organic process that happens through the progression of life. 

-Nothing is impossible if one has the motivation to conquer all odds and achieve their goal. 

-It is imperative to accept and adapt to difficult situations in the course of time. 

-Everything happens for a reason and the best approach is to accept the changes. 

-Creation is the manifestation of something using one’s imagination and original thoughts. 

-Life is meant to be a bucket list packed with enthusiasm, excitement, and happiness.  

-We are the architects of our own lives. 

-One must have the drive to make their dreams and goals come true. 

-Remorse is a wound that leaves deep scars and returns back consistently. 

-Regret and difficulties make one strong and compassionate. 

-One must conquer the negative what-ifs and strive to look back at the positive developments in life. 

-A sync between the heart and mind leads you to achieve better results since their combination is quite potent. 

-Comparison is the negation of the existence of diverse things and people. 

-A step in the right direction is better than a step in the wrong direction. 

-Belief and trust result in the development of faith. 

-Excellence necessitates both hard work and labor. 

-One must embrace and accept changes instead of questioning and fearing it. 

-Positive affirmations elevate a sense of confidence in your heart that enables you to achieve your goals better. 

-Art is absorbed better when it is felt through your heart. 

-A careful consideration of your scenario allows you to gauge the risks and make a better decision. 

-Consider yourself as important as the sun since self-love is the key to embracing your whole self. 

-Comparisons are pessimistic take on reality that incites cynical behavior. 

-Be stronger than the negative voice in your head. 

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